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Application and Hiring Process Knowledge Book

1. Application and Hiring Process Status

1.1. What is my status?

  • New Applicant
    • You have never applied to MI before, OR you are an
  • Applicant in Progress
    • You have applied but have never received a hired reader notice (see explanation below).
  • Qualified Reader (Reader in Progress)
    • A hired reader notice is sent after an applicant has provided an approved degree and carefully read, signed, and dated Measurement Incorporated’s Reader Requirements.


    • Your onboarding paperwork (new hire forms, tax forms) is not complete or up to date.

For more information about our Recognition of Reader Requirements process see Chapter 5.2. in this Knowledge Book.

  • Returning Scoring Staff
    • All of your paperwork is up to date, and you have been issued a payroll number, even if you have never worked on a specific project assignment. Paperwork includes Proof of Degree, Recognition of Reader Requirements, and completion of Confidentiality Agreement and EEOC questionnaire.

AP – Not Qualified notice.

If you received this notice – and provided proof of degree, answered confidentiality questions, met the tech requirements, provided proof of citizenship, live in an area where we hire, and applied to the correct job opening – it may be because:

    • you responded to a link that was forwarded to you by someone other than a hiring manager
      • Please contact us right away (Submit a HelpSpot request)
    • you answered one of the application questions incorrectly and want to change your answer
      • Please contact us right away (Submit a HelpSpot request)
    • you declined a specific remote project job offer due to your availability
      • You can disregard this Not Qualified message. Based on the availability date provided, you will either be reassigned to a different training date, a different project, or sent a reapplication notice for the next scoring season.

Please check your most recent email from MI about your next step in the process. Review the checklist below and Submit a HelpSpot request if you discover your next step has been delayed for more than three weeks. Some steps require close review for many applicants. If you are in the Application process (see below), you can also go to the Job Portal, click on Returning Candidates, and follow the directions. Be sure to use the email address where all of our applicant tracking system MyStaffingPro (MSP) correspondence is sent.

Part A

Application Process

Action Required

Step 1

Complete the online application

Applicant initiates and completes the online application which includes answering a brief questionnaire and supplying references. Note: When creating or updating your MyStaffingPro account provide your current full legal name.

Step 2

Submit or upload proof of degree (official transcript or diploma)

Applicant receives email with link to fill out required information before uploading images or scanned documents to a secure drop box (See Chapter 3 below in this Knowledge Book).

Step 3

Complete Recognition of Reader/Evaluator Requirements

Measurement Incorporated sends a document to applicant. Applicant reads over accompanying document and then returns document initialed, signed, and dated (See Chapter 5 in this Knowledge Book).

Part B

Onboarding Process

Action Required

Step 4

Applicant hired to “Reader Pool” as Qualified Reader

Notice sent to new Qualified Reader and Returning Reader.

Step 5

Complete Hiring Forms (Readers in Progress start here)

Qualified Reader completes hiring forms sent through MyStaffingPro Onboarding (See Chapter 8 in this Knowledge Book).

Step 6

Information sent to Payroll

Qualified Reader and Returning Reader are notified that hiring forms are completed and paperwork has been sent to payroll to complete the onboarding process.

Step 7

Notice of Eligibility and Availability (Returning Readers start here)

Qualified Reader and Returning Reader are notified of eligibility to receive an invitation to a project. Email also contains confirmation of shift preference. If your shift preference changes, please Submit a HelpSpot request immediately. Please select the “App/Hire” category and then the “Other” subcategory.


  • If the chart above does not pertain to you, please refer to Chapter 1.1. of the Training and Scoring Knowledge Book. If you still are unsure of your status, please Submit  a HelpSpot request.
  • Although completing our onboarding process is essential to receiving a work assignment, Measurement Incorporated cannot guarantee that all available readers will be offered work assignments.
  • Positions are offered to Returning Readers first with solid accuracy and production across multiple projects.

1.2. What are the education requirements for the Reader/Evaluator position?

The minimum education required is a bachelor’s degree in any field from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university.


1.3. How is employment eligibility verified?

The Immigration Reform and Control Act requires that all U.S. employers verify the employment eligibility and identity of all employees hired to work in the United States after November 6, 1986. To implement this law, employers are required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification form (Form I-9) for all employees, including U.S. citizens, when they are hired and no later than three business days after they start work. Please refer to Chapter 2 of the Training and Scoring Knowledge Book for more information about this process.

2. Application Issues

2.1. Incomplete Applications

There are several reasons your application may be at Incomplete status. The application system requires that you complete the Educational History section of the application. Leaving this section blank may be the reason why your application status is AP-Incomplete. If you did not complete the questionnaire or forgot to ‘sign’ the application, it will remain Incomplete. All sections should be completed, or the application will remain incomplete.

To complete the application, please return to Measurement Incorporated’s Job Portal and do the following:

  • Click on Returning Candidates
  • Enter email address
  • Provide Username and Password
  • If Information About You is correct click Continue
  • Under ‘Your Applications Are Listed Below’
    • Find the correct Position Title
    • Click on the ‘Access Application’ to the right of the correct Position Title

2.2. MyStaffingPro Correspondence

To guarantee that you receive all correspondence from our applicant tracking system, MyStaffingPro (MSP), please be sure that “mystaffingpro.com” has been added to your safe senders list. ALL Applicant status updates and most Reader updates as well as invitations to project assignments are sent via MyStaffingPro (MSP). If you do not add “mystaffingpro.com” to your safe senders list, you may not complete the application process and/or you may miss invitations to future work assignments.

3. Proof of Degree/Transcript

3.1. How do I submit proof of degree?

You will receive an email from our applicant tracking system MyStaffingPro (MSP) with a link to fill out required information before uploading images or scanned documents to our secure drop box. Please note that you must upload a document or image and not a link to a webpage that displays your document. Links to webpages expire. We need to keep a record of your submission.

  • Please upload using the same email address you used to create your MyStaffingPro (MSP) account. MyStaffingPro is our applicant tracking system, and instructions for this step and all other processing steps come from noreply@mystaffingpro.com
  • You can have your college/university send official transcripts to:

Measurement Incorporated 
Attention:  Applicant Processing Team 
215 Morris Street 
Durham, NC 27701

Acceptable documents for the proof-of-degree requirement include:

  • An original diploma
  • A transcript authorized directly by your college/university or indirectly via a third party and sent directly to MI
    • A third party, such as the National Student Clearing House, Verifications Inc., or Parchment Services
  • An official letter sent directly to MI by the college/university registrar’s office verifying the degree earned
  • A current U.S.-issued State Teacher’s License

Additional Information for Transcripts/Proof of Degree:

  • We accept official transcripts from regionally or nationally accredited colleges and universities.
  • A downloaded transcript does NOT constitute proof of degree unless it is an official college/university-issued transcript or an official student-issued transcript from the college/university.
  • Valid teaching certificates (cannot be expired) are considered proof of degree.
  • Diplomas must be a minimum of a Baccalaureate or higher.
  • We will accept degrees submitted from the National Student Clearing House or other acceptable services. If you know NSCH or a different service needs to send documentation to Measurement Incorporated, or Measurement Incorporated needs to contact NSCH or a different service to access documentation, please Submit a HelpSpot request and provide as much information as possible.
  • We will accept letters mailed from the registrar’s office (with the applicant’s name and date the degree was awarded).

We will accept foreign degrees if they have been submitted to determine equivalency (see list of companies from which we will accept evaluations). See Chapter 3.2. for more.

3.2. What is the procedure for foreign degree equivalency?

  • Applicants who have obtained their education outside the United States or its territories must have their academic degree(s) validated as equal to the Baccalaureate degree given by a regionally accredited college or university in the United States. The fee for such a service is the responsibility of the applicant. (Note: If the applicant has been accepted into an accredited postgraduate course of study in the United States that requires a bachelor’s degree, a letter from the university may serve as validation as well.)
  • There are a number of agencies that perform this specialized service. MI will only accept equivalency reports from members of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (http://naces.org). You must directly contact one of the organizations listed below for current information, procedures, and costs.
  • Note: Depending on the foreign country involved, validating a degree can be a lengthy and costly process.
  • To submit proof-of-degree documentation, please upload files to the secure DropBox link or have the official documents mailed to:

Measurement Incorporated 
Attention: Applicant Processing Team 
423 Morris Street 
Durham, NC 27701

Foreign Degree Equivalency Agencies:

4. Proof of Name

4.1. What documents do I need for proof of name change?

If your degree was obtained under a different name than the one you are using now, you will need to provide documentation that supports your change of name. You will receive an email from our applicant tracking system MyStaffingPro (MSP) with a link to fill out required information before uploading images or scanned documents to a secure our drop box.

The following are acceptable documents to show proof of name change:

  • Marriage license/certificate
  • Record of divorce, court order
  • A government-issued document that contains both names (e.g., U.S. passport)
  • Two copies of driver’s licenses (one with former name, one with current name)
  • Two copies of social security cards (one with former name, one with current name)
  • Any other official document that includes your entire name (if your former name is a part of your current full name)

5. Recognition of Reader Requirements

5.1. Who receives this form?

After you have successfully completed Steps 1 and 2 in the application process (see Chapter 1.1. What is my status?), Measurement Incorporated will send you a document via email from our applicant tracking system MyStaffingPro (MSP). Please read the information and return the document, initialed, signed, and dated via a HelpSpot ticket. Detailed instructions will be provided when the Reader Requirements document is sent to you.

Note: If you have only worked onsite or haven’t worked as a Remote Reader since 2017, you will be sent this form. 

5.2. What is the "Recognition of Reader Requirements?"

New applicants will receive a document that includes important information about the Reader/Evaluator position. The Recognition of Reader Requirements will include:

  • Employee Classification
  • Working Hours/Reader Pay/Paid Breaks
  • Training and Scoring Requirements
  • Project Security Requirements
  • Mandatory Technical Requirements

Each applicant must read the information and return the Reader Requirements document, initialed, signed, and dated via a HelpSpot ticket to provide acknowledgment that the information provided is understood.

6. Close Application/No Longer Available

6.1. What if I am no longer available or interested at this time in working as a Reader/Evaluator?

We understand that sometimes circumstances change. Please Submit a HelpSpot request if you are no longer interested in completing the application process or moving on to the onboarding process. All documents that have been provided will be retained as secure information.


7. MSP Password/Account Issues

7.1. Accessing your MyStaffingPro (MSP) Account with the Correct Email Address

  • After providing an email address, you created both your username and password when you first logged in to apply for a Reader/Evaluator position with Measurement Incorporated. This process is conducted within the MyStaffingPro (MSP) application.
  • To update your MyStaffingPro (MSP) account, go to the Job Portal, click on Returning Candidates, and follow the directions. Note: if you did not provide your current full legal name, you should update your MSP account immediately.

What email address are you using?

  • MI sends notices to your through our applicant tracking system, MyStaffingPro (MSP). Please make sure that you are using the same email address where you receive these notices. This is the email we have on file for you. Check for typos. Errors entering email addresses result in useless duplicate accounts.
  • If you entered our applicant tracking system MyStaffingPro (MSP) and used a NEW email address, you will not be able to access your account. This will also create a duplicate account.
  • Creating a duplicate account will delay processing, and as a result, you may not receive work.
  • If you want to change the email address you use to receive information from MI, please use your old email address to enter your account and then enter your new email address.

If you already have an account and you see the New User Registration page – DO NOT CONTINUE.

The New User Registration page is only for:

  • New Applicants
  • Our applicant tracking system MyStaffingPro (MSP) users who last accessed MyStaffingPro (MSP) in 2015

7.2. Forgot Username or Password

Note: MyStaffingPro (MSP) does not allow our HelpSpot personnel to help with usernames and passwords. You must contact our applicant tracking system MyStaffingPro’s (MSP) support services. However, you should not contact MyStaffingPro’s (MSP) support services for any other reason. You should not request to have a duplicate profile merged. You should not request to have an answer you provided on a questionnaire changed. These issues can be resolved by MI employees. You should only contact MyStaffingPro’s (MSP) support services for username and password related issues.

You forgot your Username

  • Click on the link Forgot your Username?
  • Enter your email address again and then answer your security question.
  • If you have forgotten your security question, or if you receive the message “The answer does not match,” then call 1-888-772-9773 or email the support team at: helpdesk@hrservicesinc.com.
  • Let the representative know that your company is Measurement Incorporated.
  • After business hours, leave a message.

You forgot your Password

  • Provide your Username to receive an email with a link that allows you to reset your password.
  • The email will come from HRS_Support@hrservicesinc.com and will contain a link for resetting your password. Be sure to add “hrservicesinc.com” to your safe senders list so that important emails are not directed to your SPAM/JUNK folder. 

7.3. Account Locked

Still Locked Out?

If you cannot retrieve your username or reset your password, or if your account is Locked Out:

  • Call 1-888-772-9773 or email the support team at: helpdesk@hrservicesinc.com.
  • Let the representative know that your company is Measurement Incorporated.
  • After business hours, leave a message.

8. Onboarding Process

8.1. New Hire/Tax Form

During the Onboarding process, new hires will provide information that our Payroll Department must enter into our payroll system, Paycor, to create a payroll account for you. Once you accept a job offer to a specific project, you will register for the account that was set up for you. You will then be able to update your profile accordingly and provide direct deposit information. 

8.2. EEO-1 Survey

Part of our Onboarding process is completing an Equal Employment Opportunity Survey. 

Is the survey mandatory for employees?

  • This survey is voluntary. However, if you don’t self-identify your gender and race/ethnicity by completing this survey, Measurement Incorporated is still required to include such information about you in the EEO-1 Report and can use existing employment records or visual observation to do so.

Who decides what categories are included in the EEO-1 survey?

  • The categories and definitions are established by the federal government’s requirements and other guidance. MI understands that identity is personal and that these options may not necessarily best represent you or your coworkers. 

9. When will I receive a scoring/work assignment?

9.1. When will I receive a scoring/work assignment?

You are eligible to receive an invitation to work on a specific project once all onboarding paperwork has been completed.

Although completing our onboarding process is essential to receiving work, Measurement Incorporated cannot guarantee that all available Readers will be offered a project assignment.

MI’s Scoring Season for the Reader/Evaluator position typically begins in late January each year. Projects scheduled from January through February are usually staffed with experienced Reader/Evaluators.

The highest demand for Reader/Evaluators begins in mid-March and ends in June. New Reader/Evaluators, those who recently completed our application and onboarding process, are typically staffed during this time period.

Projects scheduled from July to December each year are usually staffed with experienced Readers/Evaluators. However, it is recommended that you opt in to MyStaffingPro’s text messaging service and monitor your email for job offers at least twice a month throughout the year as the scope of our work and the demand for Readers/Evaluators can change periodically.

For more information, please visit the Training and Scoring Knowledge Book.