HomeTechnical Knowledge BookRemote ScoringIntroduction to Remote Scoring – Installing MIRA

1.1. Introduction to Remote Scoring – Installing MIRA

MIRA System Requirements: You must check the Technical Requirements located here before attempting to install the scoring platform (MIRA.)

If your system does not meet these requirements, MIRA will not run and you will not be eligible for a Remote Scoring Assignment.

To install MIRA, click on the link below. While running the MIRA scoring platform, please exit any non-essential background applications for best performance.

LINK: MIRA Installation

Step 1: Logging into MIRA

Step 2: Download Scoring Platform

Step 3: Install MIRA and Systems Check

Once MIRA is installed, you will proceed to the login page to begin work. We look forward to having you join us in the successful completion of the Remote Scoring Project.

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*Please note: The bandwidth component checks for a connection sufficient to start MIRA. This check does not determine the user’s connection type or strength. Therefore, a system that passes this check may still lack sufficient broadband connection for all system components to run properly.


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